About Us
We are a positive, successful and creative team of professionals, we always try to move ahead by improving and modernizing our sphere of activity. Our employees travel a lot, in order to give you a proper information. We believe two main factors like being operative and qualified enough are fundamental in our job.
Our company specializes in inbound tourism for areas like Almaty region, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan in general. We organize excursion tours, also tours on beaches and skiing. Besides that, we do not forget about popular choices of tourists. For example: European countries, Thailand, China, Turkey, the UAE, etc.
Popular direction of our activity is organizing corporative arrangements: from picnics and seminars to trainings and teambuilding. We take lots of questions under our responsibility, things like VISA support, booking hotels, making out air tickets, drawing a plan of negotiations and schedules of departures, organizing transport and interpreters for going abroad, meeting at the airport, booking VIP-rooms and other services.
We arrange the full service of receiving foreign tourists not only on wide territory of Kazakhstan, but also in Central Asia as a whole.
What have we already experienced?
We invite you to have a look at a short list of trips and info tours, where we participated:
- Trip to India
- Info tour to Italy
- Journey to Chundzha
- Emirates by eyes of our accountant
- Wonderful Thailand. Info tour
- India’s state GOA by our eyes.
Aside from that, we do our best to improve our qualification, by intensively participating in seminars, trainings and thematic master classes, where we accepted our prizes, rewards and diplomas.
- The conference Abacus corporative trips 2013.
We are always glad to help you in planning your rest,
we hope our first acquaintance will turn into a strong friendship!
With best regards, travel agency “Azimut Travel”.